
22:11 27/2/2015






我在香港呱呱墜地,出生日期在身份證上是‘Verified’。也叨過這「二等公民」的光,申請其 Emergency-British Passport到「海外」遊埠。



還有,我做過童子軍,唸過‘On My Honour I Promise That I Will Do My Best: To Do My Duty To Gold And The Queen…’的誓詞;又在戴督到任香港第一年,女皇壽辰的園遊會中,穿上童軍制服去督憲府‘On Duty’。

第二部 祇要有這樣的一天









第三部 其實又談甚麼愛國


在香港大學,我發現了一個很奇怪的現像。很多外國講師,雖然他們祇來香港任教數年-i.e. They owe H.K. nothing, 可是,他們對香港社會中不合理,不公平的地方,卻亳不留情地抨擊。They are really concerned about H.K., concerned about her people, her poor, her injustice and her future.

還有不少外國來的傳教士,他們是真正為香港的貧苦大眾工作。他們為香港的工人爭取工人們最基本的權利,為香港普羅大眾組織「儲蓄互助合作社」。合作社的負責人 Fr. Hogan 就曾說過 “I understand that H.K. is not a nation and her people do not have a sense of belonging. Many students told me they intended to migrate abroad after taking their degrees in H.K.”



“But there are 4 million people here. Sure, not all of them can afford to leave. If 1 million went away, 3 million would still stay. Among these 3 million we can help to cultivate a sense of belonging——not as a nation——but as a community——a Hong Kong community, and a desire to work for a better society.”

在這些講師,傳教士面前,我覺得慚愧,他們都是外地人——but they have a strong sense of justice, and would fight any injustice tooth and nail.


其實又談甚麼愛國。 I don’t believe that anyone who refuses to fight the injustice and inequality right before their eyes, anyone who refuses to sacrifice for his own community will some day sacrifice and fight for the 700 million Chinese in China.


Afterall, an average youth in Hong Kong has never touched, smelled, seen and experienced China. How can you reasonably except anyone to love something unseen, unknown and intangible? China is but an empty shadow. Hong Kong is concrete.

Part IV Someone Who Cares

It is only recently that I realize I value a strong sense of justice much more than a strong national sentiment, that Hong Kong is much more authentic to me than China. I am not one-tenth as fervent as Ira Magaziner, whose famous dictum ‘the ways things should be have got to be things that are, or else none of us should be able to sleep well at night’ nurtured by China, never been have kept many a conscience uneasy. But, on the few nights that I do appreciate his remark, I lose sleep not for a phony China, not for the invasion of Chengpao Island somewhere thousands of miles away, not for the inauguration of a distant Ninth Party Congress. I have lost sleep for the Vanda workers whom I have spoken to, for the zeal of fellow students over the University Reform issue, for the one thousand and one events, memorable or trite, which have involved me in Hong Kong.

Yes, I am no longer patriotic. Say what you will, call me names if your want to to, but I would still be the first one to admit that I can’t bring myself to kiss a map of China hanging on the wall. It is not that I’ve forgotten China. I never know China. I have nothing to forget.

Afterall, I have never been nurtured by China, never been slandered by the press of China, I have been tried to help the workers of China, or fight together with the students of China——my essence as a human being has never been realized in China.

And the image of the magnificent Victoria Harbour in my eyes is me, the desperate frustration of the Goodman workers felt in my heart is me, my elation in the night of 30th Jan. in the Loke Yew Hall is me, the Hong Kong that I see and experience with my own self is me.

My experience with Hong Kong is myself. Myself. How can I view Hong Kong except with love and hatred which are one and inseparable? You may say Hong Kong is inequitable, her government is colonial, her future is uncertain. But, in the gaping wound of this Colony founded upon contraband and conquest, I have sensed life; in this suffocating atmosphere of apathy and morbidity, I have witnessed a spark: there is still someone who cares, someone prepared to fight for the underprivileged here, someone to whom Hong Kong is his community, his place his home.





