20180220-Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:A?Bleak Year For Me
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:A?Bleak Year For Me
2018/02/20 08:41:20
I am worried it will be a?bleak?(cheerless, inauspicious) year for me now that we have entered the Year of the Dog. I think it will be a?bleak year for me because I don't like dogs even though there is a saying in the West that a dog is "man's best friend". It irritates me when dogs bark incessantly (non-stop, continuously). Whenever I go for walks in quiet residential areas such as Bowen Road I have to constantly look at the ground to avoid stepping on dog?poop?(feces). Dog lovers tell me I should blame dog owners, not dogs. They say dogs bark for a reason and owners should clean up their dogs' poop.
I accept that owners are to blame but I still don’t like dogs. That’s why I worry dogs will take revenge on me in the Year of the Dog by biting me. People in the West treat dogs as "man's best friend" because dogs are more loyal than other animals and provide companionship for humans. Dogs are sometimes even more loyal than humans. In this age of equality, I think the saying should be changed to "human's best friend". I recently moved from a serviced apartment in Central to a residential area in Tseung Kwan O to be closer to TVB where I host TV shows. Many residents in the area have dogs. I sometimes see owners put their dogs in?prams. A?pram?is a four-wheeled carriage for babies.
Whenever I see owners pushing their dogs in?prams, I?don’t know whether to laugh or cry. When you?don't know whether to laugh or cry, it means you are so shocked or surprised you don’t know how to react.?Prams?are for babies who haven’t yet learned to walk. But even puppies (young dogs) can walk and enjoy walking with owners. Dogs will not get enough exercise if owners put them in?prams. It’s the Year of the Dog but owners should not?pamper?dogs by putting them in?prams. To pamper?means to spoil or treat with too much kindness and attention.
我認同,要怪就該怪狗主,但我仍然不喜歡狗。因此我擔心在狗年狗會咬我來報復。在西方人們視狗為人類最好的朋友,因為狗隻比起其他動物對人類更忠心,也能提供結伴的友誼。狗有時甚至比人類更忠心。在平等的年代,“man's best friend”這句話應改成“human's best friend”(譯按:後者無性別指涉)。我最近由中環的服務式住宅搬至將軍澳的住宅區,更就近我主持節目的無綫電視。這區許多住客都有養狗,我有時會見狗主將狗隻放進嬰兒車(prams)內。A pram就是四輪的嬰兒車。
每當我見狗主用嬰兒車(prams)推着愛犬時,我都感覺啼笑皆非(don't know whether to laugh or cry)。當你 don't know whether to laugh or cry,意思即是你很震驚或訝異得不知怎樣反應,哭笑不得。嬰兒車(prams)是為還未懂走路的嬰孩而設的。但即使小狗(puppies)也懂得走路,享受與狗主漫步的時間。若狗主將愛犬放在嬰兒車(prams)內,狗隻便沒有足夠的運動。今年是狗年,但狗主也不應嬌養溺愛(pamper)狗隻,把牠們放在嬰兒車(prams)內。To pamper的意思就是縱容或溺愛。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧
2018/02/20 08:41:20
I am worried it will be a?bleak?(cheerless, inauspicious) year for me now that we have entered the Year of the Dog. I think it will be a?bleak year for me because I don't like dogs even though there is a saying in the West that a dog is "man's best friend". It irritates me when dogs bark incessantly (non-stop, continuously). Whenever I go for walks in quiet residential areas such as Bowen Road I have to constantly look at the ground to avoid stepping on dog?poop?(feces). Dog lovers tell me I should blame dog owners, not dogs. They say dogs bark for a reason and owners should clean up their dogs' poop.
I accept that owners are to blame but I still don’t like dogs. That’s why I worry dogs will take revenge on me in the Year of the Dog by biting me. People in the West treat dogs as "man's best friend" because dogs are more loyal than other animals and provide companionship for humans. Dogs are sometimes even more loyal than humans. In this age of equality, I think the saying should be changed to "human's best friend". I recently moved from a serviced apartment in Central to a residential area in Tseung Kwan O to be closer to TVB where I host TV shows. Many residents in the area have dogs. I sometimes see owners put their dogs in?prams. A?pram?is a four-wheeled carriage for babies.
Whenever I see owners pushing their dogs in?prams, I?don’t know whether to laugh or cry. When you?don't know whether to laugh or cry, it means you are so shocked or surprised you don’t know how to react.?Prams?are for babies who haven’t yet learned to walk. But even puppies (young dogs) can walk and enjoy walking with owners. Dogs will not get enough exercise if owners put them in?prams. It’s the Year of the Dog but owners should not?pamper?dogs by putting them in?prams. To pamper?means to spoil or treat with too much kindness and attention.
我認同,要怪就該怪狗主,但我仍然不喜歡狗。因此我擔心在狗年狗會咬我來報復。在西方人們視狗為人類最好的朋友,因為狗隻比起其他動物對人類更忠心,也能提供結伴的友誼。狗有時甚至比人類更忠心。在平等的年代,“man's best friend”這句話應改成“human's best friend”(譯按:後者無性別指涉)。我最近由中環的服務式住宅搬至將軍澳的住宅區,更就近我主持節目的無綫電視。這區許多住客都有養狗,我有時會見狗主將狗隻放進嬰兒車(prams)內。A pram就是四輪的嬰兒車。
每當我見狗主用嬰兒車(prams)推着愛犬時,我都感覺啼笑皆非(don't know whether to laugh or cry)。當你 don't know whether to laugh or cry,意思即是你很震驚或訝異得不知怎樣反應,哭笑不得。嬰兒車(prams)是為還未懂走路的嬰孩而設的。但即使小狗(puppies)也懂得走路,享受與狗主漫步的時間。若狗主將愛犬放在嬰兒車(prams)內,狗隻便沒有足夠的運動。今年是狗年,但狗主也不應嬌養溺愛(pamper)狗隻,把牠們放在嬰兒車(prams)內。To pamper的意思就是縱容或溺愛。
Michael Chugani 褚簡寧