20150723-Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:又中又英——Put it out of my mind.

Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:又中又英——Put it out of my mind.
20:01 23/7/2015

        In my previous column I wrote about an unpleasant experience I had at around 1 am last Thursday in Lan Kwai Fong. One week has passed since that unpleasant experience but I still cannot put it out of my mind. To put something out of my mind means to try to forget about it. I cannot put it out of my mind because what happened to me early last Thursday morning should not have happened. I was the good guy telling two policemen on D'Aguilar Street about bad guys doing something illegal right under their noses but the police treated me like a bad guy instead.

  The expressions "good guys" and "bad guys" are American slang expressions commonly used to refer to good and honest people and bad and dishonest people. For example, people who help the poor or do charity work are good guys. Robbers or people who sell drugs are bad guys. When something is happening right under your nose, it means it is happening right in front of you. Early last Thursday morning I saw many taxis parked illegally on D'Aguilar Street with "out of service" signs. The drivers were waiting for passengers willing to pay much higher than the normal fare. The MTR had already stopped for the night and the drivers knew they could easily demand higher fares. This was happening right under the noses of the policemen.

  When I asked the two policemen in Cantonese why they were allowing the taxi drivers to break the law right under their noses, one of the policemen became exasperated and treated me like a bad guy. The word “exasperated” used this way means very irritated. He said if I wanted to complain, I must first show him my identity card. The taxi drivers knew I was complaining but they were not scared. They did not drive away even when I showed the policeman my ID card. Why do taxi drivers in Lan Kwai Fong dare break the law under the noses of the police? Are the police on the take? The slang expression "on the take" means taking bribes or corruption money. I hope they are not on the take.

        我在上一篇專欄中寫到,上周四凌晨一時左右我在蘭桂坊的一個不快經歷。自那不快經歷發生以來,已經過了一個星期,但我仍然耿耿於懷(cannot put it out of my mind)。To put something out of my mind 意思就是去忘懷某事。我未能忘懷(put it out of my mind),因為上周四凌晨發生在我身上的事,根本不該發生。我是個好人(good guy),告訴在德己立街的兩名警員,有壞人(bad guys)在他們的眼皮底下(right under their noses)犯法,他們卻把我當壞人(bad guy)辦。

  習語good guys和bad guys是美式俚語,常用以指好和誠實的人,以及壞和不老實的人。例如,幫助窮人或做善事的就是good guys,劫匪和毒販就是bad guys。當某事right under your nose的發生,意思就是那件事正正在你眼前發生。上星期四凌晨,我見到有許多的士放了「暫停載客」牌,在德己立街非法停泊。那些司機都在等待願意付遠高於正常車資的搭客。港鐵在晚間停駛,司機知道他們可以輕易索取昂貴車費。這就在警察的眼底下(right under the noses)發生。

  我用廣東話問那兩名警員,為甚麼他們容許的士司機在他們的眼底下(right under their noses)公然犯法,其中一位警員即大動光火(exasperated),把我當壞人(bad guy)看待。習語 exasperated在這裏解作非常惱怒。他說,若我想投訴,得先給他看身份證。的士司機都知道我在投訴,但他們毫無懼色。即使我給警員看身份證時,他們也沒有駛走。為甚麼蘭桂坊的的士司機膽敢在警察眼皮底下(under the noses)公然犯法?難道警方受賄(on the take)了嗎?俚語 on the take解作收受賄款。我希望他們不是受賄(on the take)了吧。

  你只須用手機掃描 QR code,就可以聆聽我朗讀專欄的錄音。希望這能幫助大家改善英文字詞的發音。mickchug@gmail.com



Michael Chugani 褚簡寧




