20150730-Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:又中又英——Are we alone?

Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:又中又英——Are we alone?
23:45 30/7/2015

        Are we alone? The famous physicist Stephen Hawking does not believe we are alone. I agree with him. There are countless stars and planets in the universe. How can Earth be the only planet in the universe where there is life? I think there must be other planets with life too. Last week, US scientists using the Kepler Space Telescope discovered a planet 1,400 light years away that is almost exactly like Earth. It’s about 60 percent bigger than Earth and takes about 385 days to orbit (revolve, go around) its sun. Earth takes 365 days to orbit the Sun. The newly-discovered planet is about the same distance away from its sun as Earth is from our Sun. This means the planet is neither too cold nor too hot, making life possible.

        The word “countless” means too many to be counted. The universe is all of space and everything in it, including all the stars and planets. A telescope makes things that are far away appear nearer. A light year is the distance that light travels in one year. Light travels 5.88 trillion miles in a year. This means the newly-discovered planet is very far away from Earth indeed because it is 1,400 light years away. Is there extraterrestrial life on this planet? Scientists do not know but they say a plant from Earth would most likely be able to survive on this planet. An extraterrestrial is something from outside Earth or its atmosphere. In science fiction movies, an extraterrestrial being is usually called an alien.

        Are there other worlds in the universe where aliens live? Stephen Hawking believes there are but no one knows for sure. I believe there must be aliens on other planets. The universe is so big that I cannot believe we are alone. Hawking fears that aliens who are more advanced than us will try to colonize us if they know where Earth is. That is why even though he and a rich Russian partner have formed a team to look for extraterrestrial life, he is not too eager to find any. Do you think there are aliens? Are you afraid scientists may find them?

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        我們是孤獨的嗎?知名物理學家史蒂芬霍金不相信我們是孤獨的,我同意他的說法。宇宙(universe)中有無數的(countless)恆星和行星,地球又怎會是宇宙(universe)中唯一擁有生命的星球?我相信一定也有其他擁有生命的行星呢。上星期,美國科學家利用開普勒太空望遠鏡(telescope),發現1,400 光年(light years)以外有一個差不多跟地球一樣的行星。它比地球大60%,圍繞它的太陽運行(orbit)一圈要用上385天,地球圍繞太陽一周要365天。這個最新被發現的行星跟其太陽的距離,與地球跟我們太陽的距離是一樣的。也即是說,這個行星不太冷也不太熱,令生命的存在變得可能。

        Countless解作數之不盡。Universe就是包含恆星與行星等一切一切的宇宙。 Telescope 就是望遠鏡。A light year 就是光行走一年的距離,光一年行走5.88萬億里。也即是說,這顆新發現的行星離地球很遠,因為它在 1,400光年以外。在這個行星上,又會否有外星生物(extraterrestrial)?科學家也不知道,但他們說,地球上的一株小植物亦很有可能在其生存得到。Extraterrestrial 就是外星生物。在科幻電影裏,外星生物(extraterrestrial being)通常被喚作 alien。



Michael Chugani 褚簡寧




