20180222-Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:Doggone it!

Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:Doggone it!
2018/02/22 08:41:28

         Doggone it! Today is the seventh day of the Year of the Dog and I have given out many laisee packets but haven’t received any. I am joking! I wrote that so I can explain the meaning of the word “doggone”. I am not a kid (child) and don’t expect laisee packets. But even though I am not married I still enjoy giving laisee packets to the children of my friends and to my younger co-workers (office colleagues). I recently interviewed K. Wah Holdings and Galaxy Entertainment boss Lui Che-woo at his office where we ate a simple lunch. I asked him why he makes generous charitable donations through his Lui Che Woo Foundation and honors people who advance world civilization with his LUI Che Woo Prize.

          He replied with a Chinese saying which has stuck in my mind ever since. He said it is better to give than to receive. There is a similar quote in the Bible by Jesus who said “it is more blessed to give than to receive”. The American slang “doggone” can be used to express different feelings, including anger, surprise, or pleasure. You can express anger by saying: “Doggone, you’re late again.” To express surprise, you can say: “Doggone it, you’re not late for the first time”. You can express pleasure by saying: “Doggone, I won the Mark Six”. If something sticks in your mind, it means you remember it very well.

          In the past week I have received countless (too many to count) messages wishing me a happy and prosperous Year of the Dog. Did you know there are many other words for the word “dog”? The words “pooch”, “mutt”, “mongrel”, and “hound” all mean dog. The word “pooch” is used to informally describe a dog. The words “mutt” and “mongrel” are used to describe dogs of mixed breed. The word “mutt” can also be used to describe a stupid or useless person. A hound is a hunting dog. The police use hounds to smell for illegal drugs and to hunt people. I wish you all a happy Year of the Pooch!


         討厭(Doggone it)!今天是狗年的年初七,我已派了很多利是,但一封也收不到。我說笑吧了!我這樣寫是為了解釋“doggone”這個字的意思。我都不是小孩子(kid)了,不會期望有利是收。雖然我不是已婚人士,但我仍享受派利是給我朋友們的小孩,以及給那些較年輕的同事(co-workers)。我最近在嘉華集團及銀河娛樂大老闆呂志和的辦公室內訪問他,也在那裏跟他吃了個輕便的午餐。我問他,為何會透過其呂志和基金做那麼多慷慨的慈善捐獻,又用呂志和獎表揚那些推進世界文明的人。

          他用一句中文俗語回應,那句話一直在我腦海中縈繞(stuck in my mind)至今。他說,施比受更好。在聖經中,耶穌也說過一句類似的話:「施比受更為有福。」美式俚語“doggone”可以用作表達不同的情緒,包括憤怒、意外或歡愉。你可以這樣表達憤怒:「Doggone,你又遲到了!」要表達驚訝意外之情,你可以說:「 Doggone it,你又不是第一次遲到了。」你亦可以這樣表達歡樂:「 Doggone,我中了六合彩!」若某事 sticks in your mind,即是說你牢牢記住了。

          上星期我收到無數的(countless)訊息,祝我有個快樂和昌盛的狗年。你可知道除了“dog”以外,也可以有其他字形容狗? “Pooch”、“mutt”、“mongrel”還有 “hound”,全都是狗的代名詞。Pooch是狗的非正式的叫法;mutt和 mongrel都是形容雜種狗,mutt也可用來形容笨蛋或無用之人。A hound就是獵犬,警察就會用獵犬(hounds)去搜查毒品和追捕犯人。我祝你們人人狗(Pooch)年快樂!

        Michael Chugani 褚簡寧





