20180306-Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:Rolling In

Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:Rolling In
2018/03/06 10:11:14

     What would you do if you were rolling in money? It is an easy question for people who are not rolling in money. Some would daydream about buying a private plane. Others would imagine being on a luxury yacht with a bevy (large group) of beautiful girls. But it is a difficult question for those who are rolling in money. There is a saying that you can't take it with you. This means it is useless to take your money to your grave. That’s why when you are not rich, it’s easy to daydream about spending money but when you are swimming in money it’s hard to decide how best to use it.

  The expressions “rolling in” and “swimming in” have similar meanings. They mean to have a lot of something, such as money. In Asia, people rolling in money, such as Hong Kong’s property developers, pass down the bulk of (most of) their wealth to their children. In the US, super-rich people, such as Bill Gates and Warren Buffett, donate the bulk of their money to eradicate (eliminate) global poverty and diseases. China has many billionaires but they donate very little compared to US billionaires. Last week I had lunch with mainland billionaire Charles Chen Yidan who talked so passionately about advancing global education that I hung on his every word (listened attentively).

  Chen Yidan is the co-founder of Tencent. He retired a few years ago while still in his early forties to become a philanthropist (person who donates money to good causes). He is now one of China’s most generous philanthropists. He donated $2.5 billion to start the Yidan Prize, which focuses solely on education. He passionately believes education improves lives, making the world a better place. The Yidan Prize, which is now in its second year, chooses two winners in the education sector who each get $30 million. It is the most generous of all international prizes. Nominations for this year’s two winners will end March 31. Anyone around the world can nominate. Maybe your teacher, school, or professor deserves to win. Maybe you admire someone in the education sector. You can support education by nominating someone.

  如果你的財源滾滾而來(rolling in),你會怎麼做?對於那些沒有大量(rolling in)金錢的人而言,這道問題可簡單了。有些人會發白日夢,幻想買架私人飛機;有些則會幻想坐上一艘豪華遊艇,身邊圍着一群(bevy)漂亮美女。然而,對於真正財源滾滾(rolling in)的人來說,這真是個難題。俗語有云: you can't take it with you,意思即是錢財是無用的,因你死了也不能帶進棺材。因此,當你不富有的時候,要幻想怎樣花錢當然是易事;但當你湧進了(swimming in)大量錢財,就很難決定怎樣花才是最好的了。

  習語“rolling in” 和 “swimming in”意思相近,也解作擁有大量的某樣事物,例如金錢。在亞洲,擁有大量(rolling in)財富的人,例如香港的地產發展商,會將大部份的(the bulk of)財富傳給子女。在美國,超級巨富如比爾.蓋茲和華倫.巴菲特,就會將大部份的(the bulk of)財富捐出來,以消滅(eradicate)全球貧窮與疾病。中國也有許多億萬富翁,但相對於美國的億萬富翁,他們就捐獻得很少。上星期我跟內地億萬富翁陳一丹共晉午餐,他熱情地暢談如何推進全球教育,教我洗耳恭聽(I hung on his every word)。



Michael Chugani 褚簡寧




