20180123-Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:又中又英——“There was no collusion”.

Michael Chugani 褚簡寧:又中又英——“There was no collusion”.
22:07 23/1/2018

  One of US President Donald Trump’s favourite words is “collusion”. He used it 23 times during a recent half-hour interview with the New York Times. He often uses it on Twitter and during media interviews. Every time reporters ask him about the FBI investigation into possible links between his election campaign staff and Russia during the 2016 elections he always replies: “There was no collusion”. The word “collusion” is also often used in Hong Kong by the English-language media. The media uses this word in discussing the relationship between the government and property developers. I have used it many times on my TV shows and in newspaper articles.

  The word “collusion” (noun) has a very simple meaning. It means a secret agreement or cooperation for illegal or dishonest reasons. Many Hong Kong people believe the government colludes (verb) with property developers to help them become even richer by allowing them to control the property, telecommunications, utilities, and other sectors. Trump has always denied his campaign colluded with the Russians during the election campaign. He describes media reports of his election campaign staff’s meetings with Russian officials as fake news. Last week, Trump announced the winners of his Fake News Awards on Twitter. He named the New York Times as the winner, followed by ABC News, and CNN.

  His list had ten awards. He ended the list by tweeting: “Russian collusion is perhaps the greatest hoax perpetrated on the American people. THERE IS NO COLLUSION!" The word “hoax” means a plan to trick a large group of people into believing something that is not true. Trump has always insisted that the allegation he colluded with the Russians to win the election is a hoax by the media to fool the people into believing something that is not true. The verb “perpetrate” means to commit a crime or to do something that is harmful. For example, you can say: “Social media has created many opportunities for dishonest people to perpetrate crimes”.


  美國總統特朗普其中一個最喜歡用的字是“collusion”;在最近一次《紐約時報》的半小時訪問裏,他總共用了這個字二十三次。他不時在推特和傳媒訪問中使用此字。每當有記者問到他二○一六年競選期間,他的競選團隊員工與俄羅斯可有關聯時,他總是回應:“There was no collusion.”在香港,“collusion”也是英語媒體不時會用到的字,傳媒多以此字討論政府與地產商之間的關係,我自己也在電視節目和報紙文章中多次用到它。


  他列舉了十個獎項,在名單後他在推特上這樣總結道:「俄羅斯勾結(collusion)或許是在美國人中所犯的(perpetrated)最大騙局(hoax)。根本就沒有勾結(COLLUSION)!」“Hoax”意即哄騙多人去相信一件虛假的事。特朗普總是堅持,他跟俄羅斯人勾結(colluded)以贏得選舉的指控,是個傳媒弄出來的騙局(hoax),愚弄人們去相信捏造的事。動詞“perpetrate”意即去犯案或去做一些壞事,譬如你可以說:「社交媒體為不誠實的人創造了許多機會去犯罪(perpetrate crimes)。」


Michael Chugani 褚簡寧




